As the key page for this website, it provides a list of resources, reports, and studies useful for climate science activists and researchers, primarily focusing on the science of fracked gas, GHG emissions especially methane, and divestment from fossil fuels. These resources are a fairly new and growing list, continually being updated and expanded, so please check back often!
- Biodiversity
- Coast Salmon Partnership (WA)
- Nature Serve
REPORT: Biodiversity in Focus (U.S. edition, pub 2022-02)
- Biomass & Wood Pellets
- under construction
- under construction
- Climate 101
- Climate Clock
- Glossaries: EPA | IPCC | NASA | Skeptical Science
- UW's Climate Impacts Group Climate Impacts in Brief
- Climate Science
- REPORT: IEA's World Outlook 2023
- REPORT: IPCC AR6 Synthesis Report Climate Change 2023 (pub. 2023-03-20)
- REPORT: IPCC 6th Assessment Report (inc. WG I-III and three special reports). Also check-out IPCC Interactive Atlas
- REPORT: UN's missions Gap Report 2022 released. “The Closing Window – Climate crisis calls for rapid transformation of societies” is the 13th ed in annual series that looks at difference between where GHG emissions are predicted to be in 2030 and where they should be to quell climate crisis. Key take away? We aren't doing so hot (pun intended).
- REPORT: US 5th Nation Climate Assessment (2023)
- REPORT: US National Intelligence Estimate: Climate Change and International Responses Increasing Challenges to US National Security Through 2040 (pub. 2021-10-21)
- Climate Education
- Climate Finance / Divestment from Fossil Fuels
- Terminology
- Groups focusing on Cascadian States and Provinces
- British Columbia Teachers Federation Divest Now
- Divest Oregon
REPORT: Risky Business: Oregon Treasury's Fossil Fuel Problem (pub. 2022-04-20)
REPORT: Oregon Treasury's Private Investment Transparency Problem (pub. 2022-11)
VIDEO: Back to School: our kids can see & feel climate change (pub. 2023-01-17)
REPORT: Oregon Treasury's ESG Investment Failure (pub. 2023-04-19) - Divest Washington
VIDEO: Divest WA leaders interviewed by Glen Anderson of Glen's Parallax Perspective (2023-11)
ONE-PAGER: Informational One-Pager for Sharing - Shift Action for Pension Wealth and Planet Health (Canada)
REPORT: 2022 Canadian Pension Climate Report Card (pub. 2023-01-18) - NPO, Grassroots Groups, and Community Activists
- 350 Washington State
REPORT: Making Washingtonians' Money Matter: How Our State Pension is Failing on Climate (pub. 2023-03-15) - Banking on Climate Chaos is a joint effort between Rainforest Action Network (RAN), BankTrack, Indigenous Environmental Network (IEN), Oil Change International (OCI), Reclaim Finance, Sierra Club, and Urgewald.
REPORT: Banking on Climate Chaos 2023 (pub. 2023-04-12) - Center for Climate Integrity (CCI)
LIST: Climate Liability Litigation: Cases Underway to Make Polluters Pay (pub. 2023-04-26)
- Climate Safe Pensions
REPORT: The Quiet Culprit REPORT (pub. 2021-12) - Labor Network for Sustainability
- Majority Action
REPORT: Climate in the Boardroom: How Asset Manager Voting Shaped Corporate Climate Action in 2022 (pub. 2022-12) - Parallax Perspectives by Glen Anderson: Divestment Resources
- StandEarth
REPORT: Invest/Divest 2021: A Decade of Progress Towards a Just Climate Future (pub. 2021-10-26)
REPORT: FirstDoNoHarm: The Biggest Malpractice - How Hospitals Betray the Public Trust with Billions in Fossil Fuel Pension Investments (pub. 2023-04-26)
REPORT: The Impact of Energy Investments on the Financial Value and the Carbon Footprint of Pension Funds by U. of Waterloo (pub. 2023-06-26)
REPORT: The Hidden Risk in State Pensions: Analyzing State Pensions’ Responses to the Climate Crisis in Proxy Voting (by Stand.Earth, STMP, and Sierra Club, pub. 2024-01-23)
- Stop Land Grabs with their Toolkit for Faculty and Student Action
- Stop the Money Pipeline's (STMP) pensions page
REPORT: Fulfilling the Promise 2023: How Climate Action 100+ Investor Signatories Can Mitigate Systemic Climate Risks (pub. 2023-01-10) - Third Act's "Banking on the Future" divestment campaign
- TIAA Divest
REPORT: TIAA Fails Clients on Climate (pub. 2022-11-16) - Financial Analysts & Databases useful for Research
- Carbon Tracker
REPORT: Loading the Dice Against Pensions (pub. 2023-07-27) - Carbon Underground 200 list of the largest fossil fuel companies in the world maintained by FFI Solutions
- Divestment Database maintained by Stand.Earth
- Fossil Free Funds search pension funds for FF investments
- Institute for Energy Economics and Financial Analysis (IEEFA)
REPORT: Two Economies Collide: Competition, Conflict and Financial Case FF Divestment (pub. 2022-10-13) - Insure Our Future (global coalition)
REPORT: 2022 Scorecard on Insurance, Fossil Fuels & Climate Change - Little Sis and their (cool!) Oligrapher power mapping tool
- Private Equity Stakeholder Project (PESP)
REPORT: Private Equity Climate Risks—Scorecard 2022 (pub. 2022-11 at PE Climate Risks)
- Electrify
- Rewiring America has several free downloadable white papers. We all know number one thing we can do to combat climate crisis is to electrify, electrify, electrify, and work to assure that electricity is from 100% renewable sources. Saul Griffith (Twitter: @GriffithSaul ) has a new book ( pub 10.12.2021) laying out a clear, easy to follow, plan, with sufficient urgency built-in. For more info, watch Mr. Griffith’s talks on YouTube. Here are a selection:
-2009 Older talk, my favourite, because of the math :)
-2015 Talk on infrastructure and energy (~ 1.5 hrs)
-2019 Talk on Green New Deal (12 mins)
-2021 Quick ad for the new book sharable on social media
- Rewiring America has several free downloadable white papers. We all know number one thing we can do to combat climate crisis is to electrify, electrify, electrify, and work to assure that electricity is from 100% renewable sources. Saul Griffith (Twitter: @GriffithSaul ) has a new book ( pub 10.12.2021) laying out a clear, easy to follow, plan, with sufficient urgency built-in. For more info, watch Mr. Griffith’s talks on YouTube. Here are a selection:
- Eminent Domain
- Environmental Justice
- Just Transition Alliance and their EJ Principles
- Overburdened Communities (WA map from Ecology)
- The Thin Green Line Is People: Documenting PNW Fossil Fuel Resistance Activist Oral Stories (WSU)
- Finances & Big Oil/Gas
- Forests & Trees
- Cascade Forest Conservancy (SW WA)
- Center for Responsible Forestry
- Climate Forests
REPORT: America's Vanishing Climate Forests (pub. 2022-11-12) - Coast Range Association (Oregon)
- Forest Eye (BC)
- Forest Web (Oregon)
- John Muir Project
- Legacy Forest Defense Coalition of Washington
- Logging on Public Lands Photo Gallery
- Natural Resources Defense Council (NRDC)
- Northwest Forest Plan
- Old-Growth Forest Network
- Oregon Wild: Forests & Old Growth
- Pacific Northwest Climate Forest Alliance
- Primary Forest Alliance
- Re-Sources' Future Forests Campaign
VIDEO: The Future of Forests with Dr. Jerry Franklin, father of ecological forestry (2022-11-14) - Science Alliance for Forestry Transformation (BC)
- Wild Heritage with Chief Scientist Dr. Dominick DellaSala whose work includes mature and old growth (MOG) forest mapping of N. America
ACTION: Letter from Scientists calling on FS and BLM to protect MOG (pub. 2023-06-23)
- Fracking & Petrochemicals
- What is hydraulic fracturing?
- GHG emissions
- Methane purges and leaks
- REPORT: Compendium of Scientific, Medical, and Media Findings Demonstrating Risks and Harms of Fracking, (7th ed. 2020-12-14). "The Compendium" is a fully referenced compilation of evidence outlining the risks and harms of fracking.
- Health
- Legislation
- Paris Accord
- Soil Restoration & Agriculture
- Tribal Nations & Indigenous Communities
- Look-up on whose land you sit at
- Building Authentic Collaborations with Tribal Communities: A Living Reference for Climate Practitioners